A=NUM 1, B=NUM 2, X=NUM 4 and Y=NUM 5 as shown in the image. Do the action settings as ‘NUM 4, NUM 5, NUM 1, NUM 2 this is for ‘LP RP RK LK’ respectively, i.e.Now set the navigation keys as shown in the image below.Go to options, select “Button Mapping” and then select “Keyboard Controller 2 Settings”.Similarly, you can assign roles to ‘G’ and ‘Space button’ for rage art and rage drive or other combination as desired.Press ‘K’ for ‘LK+RK’ which will be displayed at RB.Press ‘N’ for ‘LP+RP’ which will be displayed as RT.Press ‘M’ for ‘RP+RK’ which will be displayed as LT.Press ‘I’ for ‘LP+LK’, which will be displayed as LB.Now go to “Controller Setup” under “Options” menu and under ‘Player 1’ do the following:.Set ‘L R’ as ‘G Space button’ respectively.Set ‘LB RB LT RT’ as ‘I K M N’ respectively as shown in the image.Set the select button as ‘R’ and Toggle button as ‘T’.A=H, B=J, X=Y (of keyboard) and Y=U (of keyboard) as shown in the image below. Now do the action settings as ‘Y U H J’ this is for ‘LP RP RK LK’ respectively, i.e.Now set the navigation keys as ‘W A S D’ similar to what we usually deal in first person shooters.Go to options, select “Button Mapping” and then select “Keyboard Controller 1 Settings”.So, in this post I am going to tell you the best keyboard bindings to play Tekken 7 on PC. However, there were some issues while connecting keyboards to play Tekken 7 on PC, but that problem has been resolved completely. I’ve been playing Tekken on keyboard since last 6 years with the use of emulators off course.
Surprisingly, the PC version of Tekken 7 is the best version when compared with other platforms in terms of graphics and lag. Tekken which is officially released for PC in the month of June this year. Tekken 7 is the first chapter in the ‘King of Iron fist tournament’ i.e.